Nice to meet you. My name is Takashi Tanaka, CEO of Your Moon Co., Ltd.
We are a company that manages creative-focused corporate branding and comprehensive creative media Euphoric " ". We also offer some of our own services. We have decided to launch a platform "Euphoric "UNIART"" to sell art works of students, so please let me "Introduce the service → Request artist registration" here. I think It's going to be a long time, but I hope you'll read it.
はじめまして。ユアムーン株式会社 代表取締役の田中 隆史と言います。
我々はクリエイティブを中心とした企業ブランディングと総合クリエイティブメディア Euphoric " "を運営している会社です。その他にもいくつか自社サービスも展開しております。そんな我々がこの度、学生のアート作品を販売するプラットフォーム 「Euphoric "UNIART" (ユーホリック ユニアート)」を立ち上げる事となりましたので、こちらで「サービス紹介→アーティストの登録のご依頼」をさせていただければと思います。長文になってしまいますが、是非ご一読お願いできればと思います。
Why Sell Student Art/なぜ学生アートを販売するのか
The impetus for starting this kind of service dates back to my student days at the University of the Arts London (ual). It's a long time ago now, but I feel that the sale of art was familiar to British students from that time. This is because when a school-sponsored exhibition is held, neighbors, student art collectors, gallerists, and even world-famous celebrities come to the exhibition to enjoy and admire the art works created by the students. It became commonplace to buy such works. In addition to physical exhibitions, there were online platforms for selling student artwork overseas.
Compared to that, if you ask Japanese students whether art sales are close to them, I feel that there is still some distance between them.
Then, if you ask whether the art works created by Japanese students are inferior to those of British students, that is not the case at all. Rather, I feel that the high level of basic technology and ideas unique to Japan are world-class. I feel that the environment was simply lacking. Personally, I've wanted to solve this problem for a long time. That's why I hope that Euphoric "UNIART", although still rough, will be of help to Japanese student artists.
では、日本の学生が作るアート作品がイギリスの学生に劣っているのかというとそんなことは全くありません。むしろ基礎技術の高さ、日本特有のアイデアは世界有数だと感じています。ただ単に環境が不足していただけだと感じています。個人的にこの課題は随分と前から解決したいと思っていました。だからこそ、まだまだ荒削りではありますがEuphoric "UNIART"が日本の学生アーティストの皆様の一助になればと願っております。
Branding student art/学生アートをブランド化する
Benefits of exhibiting at Euphoric "UNIART"/Euphoric "UNIART" に出品するメリット
So far, we have written many art articles on the above-mentioned comprehensive creative media Euphoric " ". Many articles have won the SEO 1st place. Some of you reading this article may have seen it. Thanks to our efforts so far, there are already many readers who are interested in art and design. We believe that readers who are interested in such areas of specialization, rarity, and sensitivity are extremely valuable.
This is because the field of art is a field that can be enjoyed only if you have a certain amount of leeway in your life. There is also data that more than 5% of wealthy people's asset portfolios are actually invested in art. For these reasons, art media is characterized by a higher ratio of wealthy people than readers of other media.
To put the above into a little more detail, it means that "people who are already interested in art are gathering ≒ there is a possibility that there will be art collectors (your future customers)."
我々はこれまで先述の総合クリエイティブメディア Euphoric " " にて、多くのアート記事を書いてきました。多くの記事でSEO 1位を獲得してきました。本記事を拝読いただいている方の中にも、もしかすると目にしてくださった方もいるのではないでしょうか。これまでの努力により既に多くのアート&デザインに興味を持つ読者様がいらっしゃいます。こういった専門性や希少性、感度の高い領域に興味が持たれる読者様は大変貴重な存在と考えています。
上記をもう少し具体的にお伝えすると、「既にアートに興味・関心のある方々が集まってくださっている ≒ アートコレクター(将来のあなたのお客様)がいらっしゃる可能性がある」ということです。
Purchase request for excellent works/優秀な作品の買い上げご依頼
I would like to actively purchase works from my student days that are rough, powerful, original, and have potential.
I think it's still a long way off, but I think the main thing will be a masterpiece that is the culmination of my student days, such as a graduation project or a master's project.
・That contemporary artist's graduation work is sold at Euphoric "UNIART"
・That architect's master's design drawings and models are sold at Euphoric "UNIART"
・Euphoric "UNIART" sells the graduation work of an art college graduate entertainer
What dreams do you have?
We believe that students' art works have dreams and that we can establish ourselves as a brand that attracts art collectors.
・あの現代アーティストの卒業制作がEuphoric "UNIART"で販売されている
・あの建築家の修士設計図面・模型がEuphoric "UNIART"で販売されている
・美大卒芸能人の卒業制作がEuphoric "UNIART"で販売されている
Request to belong to Euphoric "GALLERY"/Euphoric "GALLERY" 所属のご依頼
We are also thinking about requesting a affiliation to Euphoric "GALLERY" (art gallery). I think that we will be asking for contracts with excellent artists.
For all of our affiliated artists, we would like to fully back up Euphoric " ", a comprehensive creative media. Through this, I would like to grow into a stronger brand.
Euphoric "GALLERY" (アートギャラリー)へ所属をご依頼させていただくことも考えております。優秀なアーティストの皆様とはご契約をお願いさせていただくことになると思います。
所属アーティストの皆様に関しましては、総合クリエイティブメディア Euphoric " " でも全面的にバックアップさせていただきたいと思います。これによりより強固なブランドへ成長させていきたいと思います。
An art competition will be held in the future, and overseas sales are also being considered/将来的にアートコンペ開催、海外販売も視野へ
We would like to hold an art competition in the future, albeit in stages. If we can create an opportunity for excellent students to receive recognition outside of school, nothing would be more exciting than this.
We also want to consider overseas sales. As mentioned above, many of the Japanese student art works are excellent, and I think it is also a feature that there are many works that are full of originality and stand out from other countries. These works always have fans. As an "overseas" art collector, there are many things that will interest you. In the future, we are planning to send information overseas.
In order to purchase excellent works, request to belong to Euphoric "GALLERY" (art gallery), increase the authority of art competitions, and create an environment where excellent students can compete on the world stage. Naturally the Euphoric "UNIART" itself must grow. For that reason, please register with Euphoric "UNIART" and submit more and more wonderful art works.
We hope to grow together with you.
Thank you very much.
ここまで書いてきた、優秀作品の買い上げ、Euphoric "GALLERY" (アートギャラリー)への所属ご依頼、アートコンペの権威性を高めることや、優秀な学生がどんどん世界で勝負できる環境を設けるには、当然 Euphoric "UNIART"自体が成長しなければなりません。その為にもまずは Euphoric "UNIART"へご登録していただき、どんどん素敵なアート作品をご出品お願いします。
Artist registration/アーティスト登録
Thank you for reading to the end.
I hope that everyone who has read this far will be able to register as an artist.
Please use the registration form here.
【Euphoric "UNIART" artist registration】
*Registration is subject to review.
【Euphoric "UNIART" アーティスト登録】